Miranda Washinawatok

Position title: Graduate Student, Department of Anthropology

Email: mwashinawato@wisc.edu

Pōsōh mawaw-new yewak, newīhswan Miranda Washinawatok, netāēhkam Wāqsanāhkuhkiw. Hello everyone, my government name is Miranda Washinawatok, whereas in ceremony and in prayer I am called Bright Star Woman.

I am a member of the Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin, while also having Meskwaki and Ojibwe blood. On my mother’s side I am of the Eagle clan, and from my father’s culture I am part of the Thunder clan.

As a first-year graduate student within the Anthropology Department’s PhD program, my cultural identity is at the forefront of my academic journey. My greatest interest is to become my tribe’s archaeologist.